
Racine Mailed Out Wrong Tax Information

April 8, 2019

For Immediate Release April 8, 2019 Contact: Jim Bender, School Choice Wisconsin In Taking Swipe at Choice Program, School/City Make Huge Error Statement from Jim Bender on the confirmation that the City of Racine and the Racine Unified School District sent out flyers to taxpayers with erroneous information regarding property taxes and the Racine Parental Choice Program: “The City of Racine and the Racine Unified School District misled the public with a flyer designed to sway public opinion and shame parents of students in the Racine Parental Choice Program (RPCP). Their use of erroneous and incomplete data shows the true…

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Number of Schools Surges Again for Parental Choice Programs

February 1, 2019

February 1, 2019 The Wisconsin Parental Choice Program Grows to More Than 250 Schools The Department of Public Instruction released the number of participating schools in three of the four Parental Choice Programs in Wisconsin. Once again, in reaction to parental demand, schools from all over Wisconsin are entering the program. Some of the schools listed below participate in more than one Parental Choice Program. Milwaukee Parental Choice Program Racine Parental Choice Program Wisconsin Parental Choice Program “Demand for the Parental Choice Programs continues to stay very strong,” Jim Bender, President of School Choice Wisconsin said. “As more schools enter…

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Parental Choice Programs Grow To Over 40,000 Students

October 30, 2018

October 30, 2018 After Nearly Three Decades of Growth, Superintendent Evers Wants To End Programs The Department of Public Instruction released the number of students that have enrolled to participate in the Parental Choice Programs in Wisconsin, which grew to more than 40,000 students in 2018.There are currently four Parental Choice Programs – The Milwaukee and Racine Programs serve those communities and the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program serves the rest of the state. Additionally, the Special Needs Scholarship Program serves students statewide. All four choice programs saw enrollment increases over last year. “Parental demand for the programs keeps driving up…

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Parental Choice Program Students Outperform Peers on ACT

October 2, 2018

Third consecutive year of higher ACT scores – regardless of income Data released today by the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) show that again this year, students in the Parental Choice Programs are outperforming their peers on the ACT. As with all test data, a one-year snapshot has limitations but the trend of higher scores for students on a voucher is great news for students and taxpayers. “The school choice programs outperformed their peers for the third year in a row on the ACT.” Jim Bender said. “Higher scores. Lower cost. The continued growth of the programs is good for…

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Rapid Growth In Schools Participating Special Needs Scholarship Program

June 13, 2018

Like Statewide Program – Schools Enter Program to Meet Parental Demand Today, the Department of Public instructions released the list of schools that have registered to participate in the Special Needs Scholarship Program(SNSP). The program was initiated in the 2016-17 school year and had enrollment restrictions removed in the last legislative session. For the fall of 2018, 84 schools will participate in the SNSP, 56 of which are new to the program. Here is the school history for the program: 2016/2017: 26 schools 2017/2018: 28 schools 2018/2019: 84 schools Enrollment for the SNSP will begin on July 1 for students…

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Number of Schools Increases Again for Parental Choice Programs

January 31, 2018

The Wisconsin Parental Choice Program Grows to More Than 200 Schools The Department of Public Instruction released the number of participating schools in three of the four Parental Choice Programs in Wisconsin.  Once again, in reaction to parental demand, schools from all over Wisconsin are entering the program. Some of the schools listed below participate in more than one Parental Choice Program. Milwaukee Parental Choice Program Racine Parental Choice Program Wisconsin Parental Choice Program “Having worked with schools from all over Wisconsin, we know the demand for the Parental Choice Programs continues to grow,” Jim Bender, President of School Choice…

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Report Cards Released for Milwaukee Choice Program

November 21, 2017

Highlight – Majority of Highest Performing Schools in Milwaukee in Choice Program The first statewide report cards were issued for private schools in the Parental Choice Programs today. The data reflects the performance of the 2016-17 school year. Overall, the results showed modestly higher performance for the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program (MPCP) and Racine Parental Choice Program (RPCP) than their Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS) and Racine Unified School District (RUSD) peers. For the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program (WPCP), however, the sample size of schools with data is too small to garner programmatic evaluation. The data shows that in Milwaukee, of…

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Parental Choice Programs Continue to Grow

October 19, 2017

More schools, more students and more communities now part of programs  Final numbers were released by the Department of Public Instruction regarding the fall enrollment for all four Parental Choice Programs in Wisconsin. Each program increased enrollment and the number of participating schools. The table below lists the specific numbers over the last two years. “Parental demand continues to drive the expansion of school choice in Wisconsin,” Jim Bender said. “After two years of a 1%  district enrollment cap on the statewide program, the increase to 2% this fall has given the program room to grow.”

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Parental Choice Program Students Again Outperform Peers

September 27, 2017

Second consecutive year of higher ACT scores – regardless of income Data released today by the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) show that again this year, students in the Parental Choice Programs are outperforming their peers.  As with all test data, a one-year snapshot has limitations but the trend of higher scores for students on a voucher is great news for students and taxpayers. “All three Parental Choice Programs, comprised predominately of low-income students, outscored their full-income, public school counterparts across the entire state on the ACT for the second year in a row,” Jim Bender said. “Combined with the…

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Statement on Passage of Special Needs Scholarship Modifications

September 7, 2017

Access to the program opened to more parents The Joint Committee on Finance approved a motion today as part of the 2017-19 biennial budget that removed barriers to the Special Needs Scholarship Program. The following is a statement from SCW President Jim Bender: “We thank the committee for giving more parents access to the Special Needs Scholarship Program. Far too many students with disabilities have limited options in education. Moving forward, families across Wisconsin will have new choices at their disposal. We would also like to thank Senator Leah Vukmir and Representative John Jagler for their ongoing work and support…

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