School Choice FAQs

School Choice FAQs

FAQs for Parents



FAQs for Schools



FAQs for Programs

Special Needs Scholarship Program FAQ

Yes. A SNSP school can charge a SNSP student tuition and fees. For the optional High Cost Funding, schools can spend up to 150% of the base voucher amount per student. That must be paid out of pocket the first year, but will be reflected in the scholarship amount for the following year.

Only schools that registered to participate in the SNSP for the current school year may accept SNSP students.

SNSP schools are required to implement the IEP or services plan of SNSP students as modified by agreement between the SNSP school and the student’s parent.

The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) has Frequently Asked Questions for Parents in PDF form available on their website. Or you may call us at 414-319-9160.

A student will not receive a SNSP scholarship until he or she is accepted into the program and the parent and the school have agreed on the services that will be provided to the student. If a parent chooses to move his or her student to the private school before this time, the private school may choose to charge additional tuition and fees for that time period. Parents should discuss this with the school they are applying to in order to understand the school’s process.

Students may apply for the SNSP program from July 1 to June 30 annually. Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, except for sibling preference. There is no need to reapply annually, as long as the student stays in the same school. The scholarship must be made available for reevaluation every three years. Transfer to another school is possible.

Find a current list of the Wisconsin schools registered to participate in the Special Needs Scholarship Program at the bottom of our School Locator page.